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Salted Chocolate Vegan Icecream Bites

Salted Chocolate Vegan Icecream Bites

These are our recent favourite protein icecream treat, the perfect size to satisfy the dessert craving, made of only good stuff! Vegan friendly, gluten, dairy and refined sugar free! If your'e not vegan or dairy intolerant feel free to trade the pea protein for a whey version :)

1 C Chopped frozen banana
1/3-1/2 C Coconut cream
2 scoops Nothing Naughty Chocolate Pea Protein
1/4 tsp Sea salt, ground

Chocolate Shell
3 TBSP coconut oil
1 TBSP Cocoa Powder
1/2 Scoop Nothing Naughty Chocolate Pea Protein
1 tsp honey or maple syrup to sweeten
(optional add 2-3 pieces Lindt 90% dark chocolate to mix)

1.  Blend first 4 ingredients together in a blender/bullet until a smooth, thick mixture forms (if using a small bullet you may need to pulse this and stop to stir often).
2.  Pour mixture in chocolate or ice molds and freeze for at least 3 hours or overnight.
3.  When ice cream in molds is set solid, make up the chocolate shell by melting coconut oil (and optional dark chocolate) and stir in cocoa powder,protein and honey/maple until a smooth liquid forms. Allow to cool slightly for a few minutes then dip each mini ice cream in quickly until covered in the chocolate shell.  The shell will start to set straight away on the frozen icecream, once all are coated place back in freezer for a further 20+ minutes until shell is well-set.
4. Serve with sprinkle of sea salt and enjoy!

Previous article Chocolate Fudge Vegan Protein Balls